Lilac & Orange Rose Bouquet

Lilac & Orange Rose Bouquet

  •  94 ,00 (VAT included)
Product Code : 3871
  • Whatsapp Order Line Order
  • Fresh Flowers Fresh
  • Secure Shopping Secure
  • Punctual Delivery Punctual

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    Product Details:
  • 10 Premium Lilac Rose
  • 10 Premium Orange Rose
  • Hyperium
  • Phoenix Leaf
  • Eucalyptus
  • Tied With Decorative Ribbon
  • Beautifully Packed In Paper
  • Height Approx. 55 - 60 cm

Introducing our Lilac & Orange Rose Bouquet – a harmonious fusion of delicate lilac and vibrant orange roses that creates a truly captivating arrangement. Carefully curated, each rose in this ensemble is a testament to the artistry of nature and the emotions it can evoke. The lilac roses embody elegance and grace, while the orange roses radiate energy and enthusiasm. Together, they form a bouquet that is both visually striking and emotionally evocative. The unique combination of colors symbolizes a balance between softness and vibrancy, making it a perfect choice for expressing a wide range of sentiments.

Why you should order from us:

Delivery to their door
Each bouquet is unique and is prepared by an expert florist and our customer service team is at your service to ensure the best experience possible.

Bouquets you can enjoy for longer
Some flowers arrive a little closed to ensure extra freshness and protection during shipping. Enjoy the magic of seeing them fully bloom.

Make it personal with a message
Send a free written message with your bouquet of flowers. Shorten the distance between you and your recipient with flowers AND words.

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